The blue box is a selector, move it to the box of the tile you'd like to edit
The tiles start at 5, and go to 16
Each tile corresponds to a tile on the wii-home page, they are in order from left to right, and up to down. (Page 1 first then Page 2)
The availble options are as follows:
Play Link Destination: Where do you want the button "Play!" to send you? An external site, or using our in-house Emulator?
Rom Location: If you picked Emulator Link, then where would you like the rom to come from? You can either provide your own direct download link (External) OR use our internal roms and you only need to provide the file name (minus the file extension)
Emulator Core Type: What core are you going to be using for the provided emulator game? Select it here
External Link or Rom Link: If you are using an external link, please put it here, if you are using a in-house rom, place the name of the file here, if you are using an external rom, place the link here
Background Image Link: What do you want the background of the Game Preview (Selection Menu) To be? (If your unsure, use the same as Preview)
Preview Image Link: What do you want the thumbnail to show in the home-tile to be? Place the direct image URL here!
Submit Button: Will save your changes to the current tile
Clear All Settings: Will clear all your custom tile data, and settings, use if something is broken, or you'd like to restart.